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high school is too hard, may drop out.
name: rie kim
birthdate: november 20th, 2003.
age: sixteen yrs old.
birthplace: seoul, south korea.
nationality: korean.
height: 177 cm (5.10")
weight: 64 kg (131 pds)
hair: currently a golden brown, subject to change.
faceclaim 1the9's junseo
year: sophomore, year 2.
class: plan a student.
orientation: bisexual
languages: korean, english, mandarian (beginner)
sns accounts: @riie
rie kim, born on november 20th 2003, the second youngest sibling of 7. i guess, you could say he lived in a pretty big family. his dad one of the more highly renown surgeons in the field and his mom, a new and upcoming author.
rie was always introduced to be more creative, feeling free to explore what intrigued him and made his thoughts run wild. from this, rie became in love with the idea of becoming a writer, taking after his mother.
out of his 6 other siblings, rie was the only one that was introduced into SOAS during his freshman year of high school, his parents claiming it was the area for him to prosper with his intelligence.
it was fair to say that he didn't quite get along with his siblings because of this but that wasn't something that really bothered him. since enrolling in SOAS, he has been spending his free time away from studies writing. he is inspired by the stories of others and loves to hear what others have to say, making new friends is his passion. yet, maybe he can meet someone who wants to share that same creative energy.
a very creative mind.
easily inspired.
sometimes annoying
libraries & cafés. hanging out with stray cats. writing different types of stories. the night. watching the stars. parks. any type of poem.
a majority of bugs. people who constantly complain. super hot weather. any type of judgmental person. getting sick. tea.
tba! (: if interested in developing a possible relationship, feel free to shoot me a dm so we can discuss something together!
wanna have a little plot but you aren't sure what to do? don't worry, i've got you! here you will find a list of plot beginners that can be developed more and more later on! :*
the café boy: rainy days are never a fun experience, being trapped in a café, y/c runs into a boy who looks incredibly focused on a book that he can't seem to understand. he asks you for your help in interpretation, but you easily get sidetracked with a totally different conversation.
a bump in the hall: already late to school, a boy is rushing through the halls when he accidentally slams into you. without apologizing, he runs off without even helping you pick up your items. is he a complete asshole? or was there something more behind it?
the lost boy: a boy, completely lost, approaches you asking you for the directions to a certain area. turns out, you're going to the same place. you decide to walk together and learn more about that boy then you would have ever imagined.
pls feel free to dm me for any plot ideas! i'm a pretty open person, i'm coolin! (: